Monday, June 28, 2010

Month 2 down... :(

Well, I am officially *not* pregnant. We started trying for baby #2 in May and so far, it is a no-go. I don't know why I expected it to happen right away... It took about 5 months to get pregnant with Braden. As it is, Braden will be 3 in September and I don't want to have a huge gap between kids. Oh well. God is in control and it isn't up to me. I need to keep repeating that to myself.

I have an appointment with a physical therapist on Friday for my back. I have been having lower back issues for about 2 months now, which is pretty strange for a 26 year old. My doctor says she wants me to start seeing someone a few times a week for a couple months to get things straightened out. I am really looking forward to not having so much back pain.

Jeremy just got home yesterday from his all-guys camping weekend. It was so nice to have him home last night. I missed him a lot. I stayed at my mom's and we pretty much shopped all weekend. Needless to say I needed to make a few returns today. My husband and checking account will thank me for that!

I have a Stampin' Up! party on Saturday that I am really looking forward to. The new catalog goes "live" on Thursday and I will be showing some new products from my pre-order. On Sunday Braden and I are going to a wedding for a family friend (Jeremy has to work since it is the 4th). Let us not forget that Eclipse comes out this week! We have a date on Friday night to see it and have dinner. My sister is taking Braden for the evening.

Well, off to wake Braden from his nap and head to the splash pad! It is super nice out today!